Whilst in other curriculum subjects, it exists observation criteria to detect gifted pupils,\nthere is a paucity of information in Physical Education. For that reason, we aimed to reveal the\nobservation criteria for identifying gifted pupils in Physical Education in an invasion game. Physical\nEducation (PE) talent was evaluated combining results of questionnaire to experts, parents, and\nstudents. A validated nomination scale (NSIFT) and the Game Performance Evaluation Tool (GPET)\nwere used. The research approach used in this study was transversal, descriptive, and inferential.\nThe talent pool was composed of 18 gifted pupils aged 8â??14 (Mage = 11.67, SD = 1.53). The results\nshowed that the most discriminating criteria to identify PE talent were found to be precocity in\nboth execution and decision-making in the acquisition of tactical principles and tactical-technical\nskills. Getting free was the skill that they best mastered. In conclusion, the importance of tactical\nprinciples and decision-making as observation criteria is emphasized. Future studies should focus on\ndeveloping mentoring programs in Physical Education.